Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We're backkkkkkk

After a brief hiatus with the blog, we're back and better than ever! I hope you enjoy the nice, new font.

Been having a bright, Carolina summer. I personally spent the better part of July in the Wilmington area with a good friend, attended some nice weddings, went to Vegas, the Outer Banks, Cleveland, and lots of places in between. The other fellows have been enjoying the sun too. Most of the past several years have been spent on the road every chance we could get, so having time off felt weird, but still cool in it's own way. Flying free man.

We don't have many shows coming up; Elon this Friday, Columbia first of next year, Charlotte before too long, maybe a surprise show at "the other Mexican restaurant" in Wadesboro, flying free there too I guess. We did play at the old Durham Bulls park in Durham. Totally renovated, looking good, such a classic venue...not for music really, but we added that element.

So, not much else to discuss right now, but I can mention two things:

1). While we are chilling, please check out two bands we could not stand behind more, Shine River and the Spalding Grays. The first being old guitarist Mr. Upshaw's band, and the latter Mr. Thunderbird's new outfit. I know the Grays play the Shuffle party, early, on the 13th I think, not this weekend but the next, in Charlotte, check it out. Send em a message, and spit beer on them for encouragement at shows.

2). Other good music, random, no order:

- Julian Casablancas "11th Dimension," album preview seemed weak, that song is a hit

- The Soft Pack "Fences" (Phoenix cover), if you don't have the new Phoenix album get it, and if you do, check this cover, well done b/c they make it their own.

- New bands Girls, Javelin, Neon Indian, and Washed Out all have some good tunes, check those. Last three are electronicish, the first rock.

- The Avett Brothers new album is a big deal, especially around here, no review here, but do check out "Laundry Room." If you like it, keep going.

- Empire of the Sun, I say highest rated, album not so tight overall, but some killer songs, they pull you in.

Enjoy the Fall!