Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring Fever vs. Yellow Fever

Never had Yellow Fever but my vote is for Spring Fever. The flowers are gorgeous, and the sneezing is just a form of detox.

Listening to "Japanese Cowboy" by Ween right now, just saw them Friday night in Asheville. I saw them back in the day, on the Mollusk tour, at Tremont Music Hall in Charlotte. Man, those were the days, in hot-ass Tremont, watching some of my favorite bands, you could get up close, or hang back and enjoy. Ween, Blur, Of Montreal with MGMT opening, all at Tremont, saw it with my own eyes...I'm rambling, but the point is GET OUT & SEE BANDS! You never know when the next MGMT may be opening for some band at your little, un-airconditioned, dingy rock club down the street. Or, if you prefer, wait until they get big, have a song you can sing, and then go see them at some fucking Live Nation venue that screws you from the parking down to the water. I never paid to park at Tremont.

Back to the blog at hand; I know I wrote a couple of posts since the last one you see. I probably deleted them, just as I have lots of Sammies demos I think suck. Who knows, not a big deal, just means I have some writing to make up for. No worries, I will break it up into segments.

Shows are few and far between now-a-days. Only one coming up, and that's June 18th @ Visulite Theater. Our home venue! As of right this minute, we may not even play any songs off of the two current albums. I don't know what we'll play, or who may show up to play it all. The members of the Sammies will be there, along with some buddies in The Moderate, but new things are happening, and I don't want to pigeon hole us, and I don't want to disappoint, so it will be awesome, but different.

Enough for now, go see local shows! Don Yale saw the Avett's play during a UNCC ticket camp-out, I saw them at Manifest Disc and Tapes with a handful of others, and then about 5 years later saw them on a sold out New Years at Blumenthal. Oh, and Dr. Dog played our Athens, GA CD release show with the Whigs years ago, at Tasty World, and it might have cost $5. I have the poster to prove it.